Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Camping is so much fun!!!

Well, we arrived home from our camping trip yesterday afternoon, dripping wet I might add!! As it turns out, it wasn't the critters I need to look out for, it was the weather! Rained steadily the first night, but everything managed to stay dry, but then poured all morning, 7 of us huddled under our 3m x 3m gazebo with our camp kitchen set up was quite cozy!! Eventually it stopped raining, and the kids went of to play. The wind also decided to make an appearance, so there was dust and leaves and smoke going everywhere!! We did get to toast our marshmallows on the fire, which the kids thought was fantastic, (poor deprived children! LOL)
After that it rained a little on and off but nothing too bad until Monday, pack up day. The day started out beautifully, so we took our time packing up, then the big black clouds rolled in. We managed to get everything packed up except the tent, and that is when the skies opened!! The kids all stayed dry cause we left gazebo up for them to sit under, but DH, DD1 and I got DRENCHED!! And then, wouldn't you know it, almost as soon as we had it in the car, it stopped and the sun came out!!! ARRRGGGHHHH!!
We went on a 6km bush walk on Sunday, and let me just say, my legs are now reliving every step. LOL

It's good to be home, but now I have the dreaded unpack and wash EVERYTHING. With a campfire, it all smells like smoke, so it all has to get washed whether it was actually worn or not!! FUN, FUN, FUN!!! UGH
Here are a few pics we took on our camping trip....

The veiw from half way up the mountain walking track

Wildflowers along the way

3 of the girls

A lizard we saw along the way

The morning mist on the mountain

The campfire, obviously LOL

A visitor we had, look closely and you can see the joey in it's pouch

The five kids after the walk, don't they look buggered??? LOL

It was a great weekend, but it's always good to get home.

Have you been over to DSO and checked out my shape challenge yet? Lots of folks are having a blast making layout's using the shape of the month, and this month it's a book. It can be a photo of a book, a book element from a kit, it can be one book or lots! See how creative you can be! For those of you that join in, this posting bonus awaits you....


A sampler of my newest kit To the Moon

available now in my store.
And just 'cause I'm such a nice person hehehehe, here's little freebie for ya....


You can downlod it HERE and remember, please no sharing of or hotlinking to my files, that wouldn't be very nice :o( Enjoy!

Happy Scrapping


Anonymous said...

hi, I was wondering why the link for your part of Fall Splender is no longer available? I thought all links where good till halloween. you even say that in your post for your part. thank you in advance if you re acttivate you link

thank you


Mumure said...

love the colour of your kit :))
thank you so much :))

Unknown said...

Thank you! Can't wait to use this!

Anonymous said...

Hi all. How are you?